2025 International Women's Day Letters
Accelerate action.
As women and allies around the world make this call to action on International Women’s Day, we asked Liquidnet colleagues to write letters to the young women in their lives, sharing advice to help them navigate and shape the future.
By Natalie Bourne
Head of Equities Relationship Management, EMEA
Dear Nellie and Arabella,
Firstly, thank you for teaching me how to be a Mummy and allowing me to understand what unconditional love really means.
As you grow up, I want you to remember just how strong you are and that you can achieve whatever you want. Life is not always easy and, as women, it can be more challenging. If you have children of your own one day, know that mum guilt is a real thing! Also know that society will tell you it's important for women to have a career, break through the glass ceiling, show the younger generation of women they can have it all, but still be the main caregiver for your children, run the household, be a good daughter and friend, etc.
The reality is that, although we should be thankful for the women before us who started the revolution, the true shift is yet to come. Everyone has a part to play in making that shift―women, men, employers, governments and, of course, both of you!
Always remember:
You are beautiful inside and out.
Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t because you can.
Always know your worth.
Don’t settle for less than you deserve.
I know with both of your strong wills, you can help change the world one tiny step at a time. Dream big, little ones, and know that everything I do, I do for you both (even if it doesn’t always feel like it).
I love you always,
Your mummy
By Claire Bridel
Dearest Maud,
It is hard for me to believe that you have already started your professional life! 2024 was full of surprises as you joined a prominent asset management firm for an internship, which swiftly converted into a permanent role. This is a testament to your inner talents, commitment to learning, and dedication to "doing good." This past year has given you a first taste of the fulfilment of a day's work, the satisfaction of being part of a work "family," and the excitement of a nascent career and the journey to come. I am so glad I can be by your side with some experience of my own as you develop into an accomplished businesswoman.
Here are a few thoughts you might want to keep in the back of your mind:
Start with your strengths. Don’t spend your time shoring up your weaknesses. Find who you are and capitalize on your strengths.
Keep a flexible mindset about yourself and what you can achieve. Have trust in yourself and your ability to make it happen. Look at what you have achieved so far!
If you don’t ask, you don’t get. Set your dream and go after it. Ask for what you want. I triggered all my big career moves.
Finally, and most importantly, ensure you love what you do and can feel that it matters. That will give you the courage to plunge ahead and fully commit. Finding what you love might take time and involve career zigs and zags. New doors will open as you develop your skills and experiences. That’s okay! I will always be by your side and offer my advice every time you want it, with love and respect.
With love from,
By Christine Lee
Head of Equities Business Development, New York
Dear Alina,
As you step into the professional world, know that the road ahead will be full of opportunities, challenges, and defining moments. There will be times when things feel overwhelming or uncertain but trust yourself. You are more capable than you realize.
You will walk into rooms where you are the only one who looks like you, thinks like you, or speaks up the way you do. In those moments, rise. Challenge the status quo—not for the sake of disruption, but for the sake of progress. Ask questions, innovate, and push boundaries.
Find those who will advocate for you when you’re not in the room and learn from those who are more experienced than you. Build connections with people you respect, don’t be afraid to ask for help, and support others as you rise. Above all, hold onto your integrity. It is your greatest currency. There may be times when doing the right thing feels difficult, but staying true to your values will always serve you well. Your reputation is not just about what you achieve but about how you treat people and the impact you leave behind.
Embrace the journey, because it’s a fun one. Celebrate your wins, learn from your setbacks to build resiliency, and keep pushing forward with perseverance. Trust that you are where you need to be and know that I’m always in your corner.
By Scott O'Biren
Head of Product, Americas
Dear Josie and Coraline,
I can't pretend to fully understand the struggles of being a woman in situations that are male dominated, but I know these situations exist for you every day in society and, one day, you will also encounter them in the workplace.
I am so excited to see where your journey takes you and what career finds you as you continue to grow up, and I know you’ll be able to navigate whatever challenges come your way.
In the meantime, here is some advice for when you do bring your talents to the workforce, either corporate or otherwise.
Be sincere and kind. People want to partner with those they enjoy being around.
Be assertive and confident when you have conviction in something. People will respect your passion.
Find a mentor that can help you navigate the job. People want to help when they believe you are genuine.
Advocate for yourself. You know your value and what you bring to the table, don't let passive acceptance dominate your career progression.
You both are so capable, creative and intelligent. You’re only 13 and 10 now but you’ll be in your career before you know it. Keep showing compassion and kindness, work hard, and I know you’ll do great.
By Sophonie Robichon
Global Head of Communications
Dear Cheriann,
When I welcomed you into my life, the joy you brought was overwhelming. But along with that joy came a flicker of fear—not for who you are but for the world you will need to navigate.
This world is not always kind to women. It may try to tell you that beauty outshines brilliance, that ambition is something to be softened, that being strong makes you difficult, and that being kind makes you weak. It will speak in riddles—telling you to build a career yet making you feel guilty for not wanting to stay at home with your children, telling you to lead yet expecting you to comply.
So hear me now, my dear daughter:
You are enough, exactly as you are. The world may try to measure you but your worth is boundless and immeasurable.
Shape the world. Do not let it shape you. Even the smallest actions can spark change. The generations of women before you carved a path so that you could dream bigger, reach higher, and live freely. Walk it boldly and leave a new trail behind. The world needs light and you're the brightest I see.
Trust yourself. This is one of the most important lessons I’ve learned. If something doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t. Speak up. Take up space. Never shrink yourself to make others comfortable.
I am so incredibly proud of the little girl you are. How loud you are. How full of life you are. How fearless you are. Please. Never lose that fire. Never let society make you feel small. Be yourself, unapologetically. And know this: you are loved beyond measure, supported without conditions, and worthy—always.
With all my love,